

Name Title
Shovan Ray
Publication: Social and Economic Impact Analysis of
Vadinar Refinery of Essar Oil: The Case of a Mega Refinery, Sage
Bharatee Bhusana Dash
Publication: Expenditure visibility and voter memory:
a compositional approach to the political budget cycle in Indian states,
1959–2012, Springer, Germany
Gogol Mitra Thakur
Publication: Petty services, profit-led growth and rural-urban
migration in a developing economy (with Subrata Guha),
Metroeconomica, Vol.70, Issue 1, pp 144-171.
Mahamitra Das
Publication: Revisiting the Anomalous Relationship Between Inflation
and Real Estate Investment Trust Returns In Presence of Structural Breaks:
Empirical Evidence From The USA And The UK, Eco journals
Sandip Sarkar
Publication: Extending the approaches to polarization ordering of ordinal
variables, Springer
Sanja Samirana Pattnayak
Working Paper: “Testing for Bubbles in Indian Housing Market:
An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach” (with Deng Yongheng,
National University of Singapore)
Suresh Kumar Patra
Paper Presented: “An Empirical Analysis of Effect of Public Debt
on Economic Growth in India in the post-reform Era”, 55th Annual Conference,
of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) organized by
Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy, University of
Mumbai and National Institute of Securities Markets (8-10th January 2019).
Tanmoy Das
Publication: Simultaneous decisions under risk: An experimental investigation, Elsevier